Electric grid wars are a direct assault on the Western middle class

As in the Medieval past, scarcity will likely define our present, facilitated by our “net zero” economy. This brave new world will support fewer people, juggling between them expensive resources, less food, and uncertain energy production. Perhaps the biggest struggle will be over electricity, the preferred energy solution of our ruling green hierarchy. Already electricity demand has become ever more precarious as western countries continue to place their hopes on “renewable” fuels while rejecting nuclear power and relatively low-carbon sources like natural gas, the dominant factor in reducing emissions in the West. Despite this, the green lobby, and their oligarchic backers, are campaigning against natural gas and nuclear power necessary to power their investments in electric vehicles and artificial intelligence. The consequences of this struggle could prove to be catastrophic, both economically and socially. Businesses in the UK, according to Financial Times, already are having problems getting extra juice. Yet Britain’s shift to EVs are projected to double the demand for electricity by 2040; the government is looking to ban the use of home chargers during peak hours. By 2050, state consultants have suggested that total energy demand will skyrocket, by some estimates rising 60 to 90 per cent. The...

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