Cash Isas – A comprehensive guide

If you have money to save then a cash Isa should be one of your considerations. It works in a similar way to a savings account, except that you’re limited to how much you can pay in each year (up to £20,000), and the interest your money earns will remain tax-free. There are several types of cash Isas to choose from and they’re offered by lots of banks and building societies, as well as National Savings & Investments. If you’re not sure quite where to start, Telegraph Money will explain the basics of cash Isas in this guide, which will cover: Introduction to cash Isas Benefits of a cash Isa Types of cash Isas available How to choose the right cash Isa for you Understanding the tax benefits FAQs Cash Isas were launched in 1999 with the aim of helping savers reduce their tax bills. While they went out of fashion when savings rates were at record lows – as there was little risk of savers earning enough in interest to trigger a tax bill – recent rising rates means they have an important role to play once again. With savings rates reaching upwards of 6pc last year, and with...

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