Over-50s will lose out in Rayner’s flexible working push, warns pensions giant
Older workers risk losing out to younger colleagues in Angela Rayner’s flexible working push, with younger staff dominating discussions with bosses over different patterns of work. Just 24pc of those aged over 55 have spoken to their managers about flexible working since the right to request different arrangements came into force in April, according to a survey from Phoenix Group. By contrast 54pc of those aged 18 to 34 have taken time with their bosses to discuss flexible working. The figures suggest older workers may have less influence on how businesses implement Ms Rayner’s workers’ rights push, which includes forcing managers to leave staff alone outside of office hours. The ability to work non-traditional hours is particularly important to older workers, especially those with caring responsibilities, but they appear to be missing out on the benefits of the new initiative, according to Sara Thompson at Phoenix. “It’s clear the impact has not been as significant as it might have been. “There are still far too many people who are not having these conversations in their workplaces, particularly among the over-50s age group, and who do not feel comfortable engaging in them, potentially harming their ability to remain and thrive in...