Lord Hermer ‘advised Caribbean nations on slavery reparations’

The Attorney General advised Caribbean nations seeking reparations for slavery, sources have claimed. The Telegraph can reveal that Lord Hermer worked with the Caribbean Community (Caricom) when the group of 15 member states first drew up demands for payments from Britain, according to legal sources. Lord Hermer, now the chief legal adviser to the Government, is said to have helped human rights lawyers a decade ago to prepare a legal case for slavery reparations that Caribbean nations could bring against the UK. Work on the proposed legal case began in 2013 when Caricom launched its campaign to secure compensation from former colonial powers. The plan for a legal battle was partly inspired by a 2013 case in which the British government was successfully sued by Kenyan victims of torture during the 1952 to1960 Mau Mau emergency. Lord Hermer acted as counsel for the claimants after being engaged by human rights law firm Leigh Day. Caricom looked to Leigh Day for advice on how to bring a similar case, and it is understood legal advice was offered as part of this process by Lord Hermer, who in a 2020 podcast recalled “representing Caribbean nations on a potential reparations case”. Leigh Day’s...

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